UN slams Thai ‘culture of torture’

GENEVA – Thailand hat die Gesetzgebung zur Kriminalisierung von Folter und Verschwinden nach Jahren der Arbeit an der Gesetzesvorlage fallengelassen, sagte die Menschenrechtsbüro der Vereinten Nationen am Dienstag, so dass Staatsangestellte für schwere Verbrechen nicht belangt werden können.
Folter ist keine Straftat in Thailand so das Täter strafretchtlich nicht verfolgt werden können, sagte die Menschenrechtssprecherin Ravina Shamdasani in einem UN-Briefing in Genf. Read more

Elucidation on March 2, 2017

Elucidation on March 2, 2017 at 9AM

It is the 15th day of officials’ mission.

(1) The chronology of death
11.29AM, the patient sent a message through Line to ask for help from a friend, who was at Boonraksa building.
11.35-11.50AM, her friend was outside asking for help at a military checkpoint to have a paramedic unit sent out to her residence in the 58-Rai area, but the officials said they had to ask for a permission from DSI first since it was not in their power to make a decision.
11.56AM, the friend attempted many times to contact 1669, but the signal was poor, so the connection was on and off. During this time, DSI arrived and asked for some information for another 10 minutes and told them to go to Gate 7.
12.03PM, while sitting in the vehicle, the patient’s friend sent out messages in a group Line of 1669 paramedics in order to ask for emergency care. She had to go around from the back of the temple to Gate 7, which was 4 kilometers long and had to wait for another 15 minutes.
12.15PM, she rode in the1669 vehicle along Khlong L route and had to get through 5 checkpoints. The route was also obstructed by a police car.
12.30-12.40PM, she made it to the patient’s residence and had to force open the door just to find out that the patient was already dead.
Remarks: All this information is recorded from the real situation from the phone record and messages in Line of the patient’s friend.
The fact is somebody died.
The fact is there are checkpoints.
The fact is the communication was poor due to unstable signal.
The fact is there is article 44. Read more






(暫定憲法第44条*:第44条の内容は「国の安全保障を脅かす恐れがある場合、行政・立法・司法上のいかなる命令をも出せる」というもので、幅広い解釈・適用が可能な上、政権等の同意を必要とせず事後報告で済む) Read more

Worse Than a War

Case of Dhammakaya: Worse Than a War

Even during a war time, the United Nation (UN) disallows blockage of food transportation because it viciously violates human rights.

For example, during civil war in Aleppo, Syria there was blockage and cutting off food transportation to let enemy and people suffer from starvation and then surrender. UN commanded to stop cutting off food transportation if wanting war to continue.

Considered worse than a war, the action of blocking food transportation by Department of Special Investigation (DSI) adversely impacting Dhammakaya monks, novices, and lay people in the temple.

This is not just a law. It is the dictatorial law which was arbitrarily passed without any restraint. In this world, there is no righteously passed law that allows state to blockade its own people, cut food transportation, cut phone and internet communications in order just to arrest elderly ailing monk subject to the charge of disobeying court summons.

Stop ravaging Buddhism and revoke the Article 44. Read more

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